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Why should you detox and cleanse?

Detoxing and Cleansing are an essential part of life and keeping healthy.


While your body does detox itself it does not fully detox and if you are not drinking the right amount of water it detoxes less and less.


Ever wondered why when you drink a lot of water because you're thirsty you go to the toilet more?  It is your body detoxing and cleansing itself.


The issue is with more foods having things added to them that are not natural your body needs to detox more often.  Junk food, Alcohol, high fatty foods, tea, coffee all of these make detoxing necessary. 


So how is detoxing done?  Well, one way is clean eating, drinking plenty of water, cutting out tea coffee etc.  Along with drinking herbal teas etc.


However, there is a way to do it easier and quicker!  Using products!  Our products are natural and a full system it helps you get the best results quicker.


You should detox or cleanse 4-6 times a year!  Depending on how long your detox lasts.  Too many times can actually implement your health and make you ill in the long run.  Not enough leads to things like bloating, lack of energy, and general feeling crap.


Can you eat anything you want?  While some products say you can imagine this!  You are draining dirty water out the bath but at the same time your tipping in dirty water.  You then at some point put the plug back in it what has happened? Nothing you got rid of the old toxins/dirty water but replaced it with more.


Now imagine you unplug the bath and this time run a tap with clean water?  The clean water helps to make the dirty water cleaner when you finish detoxing the plug goes back in and the water is clean because you did not put any bad toxins in your body while clearing it.


Watch the video below for more information on our cleanse works.

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